When you plan an event, there are lots of things you take into consideration. The venue. The refreshments. The number of people you will invite activities, and more. The biggest attraction to your event is who you hire to explain what the "keynote" of the event is, the keynote speaker.
A keynote speaker is not just an average speaker; he is someone who is the "key note" of the event. How well your event can do or how bad it can collapse depends on the keynote speaker. That said, there has to be a way through which you can drive a ton of foot traffic to your event while also building excitement for attendees anticipating the event.
There is more than one way of marketing your keynote speaker, which can mark and increase the success of your event.
Preparing Promotional Materials for Your Keynote Speakers
The first step you need to take for promoting your keynote speaker is through developing engaging promotional materials. It is highly likely that the keynote speaker has already made some promotional materials, videos, photos, etc. that will help in engaging attendees.
Ask your keynote speakers for their bio, keynote description, and high-resolution photo. Also, ask if you can edit their description for length and potentially content to fit the program brochure space. Determine where you will be promoting this content so that it meets the format you need. You may have more space online or on your website, so you need to be able to adjust the content and size for the medium you use. Get as many tools as possible, including live speaking ( action) photos, audience interaction photos, demo video clips, etc.
The more materials you have, the easier it will be to keep promoting the keynote speaker on social media.
Many keynote speakers have snappy titles for their talks, so choose one that resonates with your audience. However, make sure the title speaks to the content of the speech!
If your keynote speaker has a book, ask for a copy of it. Promote short, powerful quotes on social media from the book to help influence people to attend.
People love the personal touch of a video. They are easy to create on YouTube and help audiences get to know a speaker before the event. Ask your keynote speakers to create a short, to the point, and relevant video for the attendees to have an idea of what they can expect from the keynote. It helps if you can provide them with audience shots from previous events and your company, event logo, and theme to personalize the video.
Using Your Website for Advertising the Event
We are all aware of the influence digital has today. Most associations or organizations have either a separate website or create a specific one for the conference. Make sure the two are linked and connected and that people can easily navigate from one to the next. The best events tend to create a website specifically for each event. This way, once a conference is over, it can be archived, and the new event can be promoted
The site is a conversation starter people can access at any time of the day, and it can drive a lot of attendees.
Your keynote speaker can help build authority for the event. Anywhere you can include any media sources, books, or articles, or anything that has the potential to get associated with the speaker and their material.
After the event, create a brief video with short clips from the keynote speakers that help reinforce their message.
Use event management software to help manage the entire event. Keep your event logistics all in one spot
Leveraging Social Media Channels
You cannot deny that social media is probably the one tool; that has the power to turn your event upside down or into a total success. And therefore, it can be used as the biggest platform in promoting your keynote speaker. You can post about the events, the preparations, and how excited you are to include your keynote speaker as part of your event. You can use hashtags, tweets, post stories on Instagram, and Facebook!
Create a hashtag for each event to help keep the communication going before, during, and after the conference. Events often overlook this one step. It is an excellent opportunity to leverage connections and remind people of what to expect, build excitement, and keep ideas relevant after the event. The hashtag may be the event theme or speak to the audience. Promote this hashtag everywhere. Make sure it is on your conference app, brochure, registration, etc. Throughout the event, place the hashtag on the PowerPoint screen before each session. If possible, put live tweets up to encourage participation.
Some event committees commit to posting on social media channels every day to help build awareness and excitement for the conference. Optimize content for each platform.
Through these powerful marketing techniques, you can create momentum before, during, and after the event transpires. The most critical thing about an event is it leaving an impact on the attendees, and with these few steps, you can manage to do that quite easily.
Have a great event, and break a leg!