7 Leadership Strategy STEPS to building An Inspiring Workplace
Change in an organization are usually created by higher-level leadership and are initiated for a very good reason. Leadership and Change supports the organization's mission, vision, and values, but by the time change reaches your department and affects your clients and staff it's usually presented as tactics.
In other words, we are very good at explaining how change will occur and how it will affect our jobs, but we forget to explain why. Interpersonal skills flourish when people feel included. The "why" embodies the purpose and the meaning of any new activity. Once employees understand "why", the "how" often falls into more readily into place. Open the lines of communication. Employees should feel comfortable talking openly and informally in a setting where everyone's opinion is given equal consideration. When change occurs, employees should be included and involved.As a keynote speaker i find the 7 steps below crucial.
7 Leadership Strategy STEPS TO BUILDING An Inspiring WORKPLACE:
Step 1-Dialogue: The most critical interpersonal skill is communication. Most importantly to your leadership strategy, focus on opening the lines of communication. Get people talking and make it a safe atmosphere for employees to share their honest opinions. Discuss the importance of open communication with all leaders. Leadership Keynote speaker Lance Secretan focuses on open dialogue to enhance productivity.
Step 2-Acknowledge the Unspeakable: Do people hate the overtime policy? Do you have conflict, stress and low morale at the office? Are several leaders abusing privileges? Touchy issues need to be resolved and openly discussed. Many employees will be quietly harbouring ill feelings about such "unspeakables." It is essential to open the lines of communication. Be careful not to point fingers or place blame inappropriately. Stick to the facts: what's been happening, why, and what you intend to do about it.
Step 3-Secrecy Breeds Suspicion: When information or activity is kept secret, it is open to misinterpretation, so communication is essential. Develop tools that help communicate what's going on. Regular email, meetings, newsletters, leadership presentations,conference calls, or voicemail keep people in the know. Any new discussion or planning should be shared with all employees sooner than later. Activate your communication system to make information accessible.
Step 4-Keep Promises: Make fewer and better agreements. Don't commit to something that you can't follow through with. If you can't honor an undertaking or proposal, then say so right away and renegotiate. Keep people in the know (e.g.: we are not going to be able to...and here's why...). Express your regrets and talk about what you plan to do about the problem. Communicate that everyone should be accountable; every level of staff should keep promises. Involve the whole group and advocate everyone's accountability. Invest in commitments.Inspiration will follow.
Step 5-Eliminate Ambiguous Behavior: Anything that isn't necessary, or that you can't justify, eliminate. There should be a sound purpose for all activities.
Step 6-Managers Need to Model Trust: Is management consistent, predictable, and trustworthy? All managers should be evaluated along with staff. Any leadership stress management technique should start with modeling trust.
Step 7-Rules Should Be Treated as Guidelines, Not Solutions: Employee judgment should be valued to create trusting relationships.
Involve, Involve, Involve. If employees come to you with a concern, why not involve them in the solution? Let them gather a task force and come up with several possible solutions to present to management and other staff. The more involved the naysayers are, the more the problem becomes their own and they take responsibility for it (and the way they feel). Trust Enhancing Interpersonal skills require employee engagement.
Implement each of the above seven steps in phases. The creation of an open trusting work environment that involves and includes employee input means that all feelings need to be heard, including criticism. Leadership must be prepared to welcome and handle employee criticism.
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