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Simple Ways to Motivate Your Employees

Written by Jody Urquhart | Tue, Nov 05, 2019 @ 09:08 PM

Salary is often considered one of the main factors to stay motivated at work. Yet, not everything in life is money and, therefore, the amount of payroll at the end of the month is not the primary source of professional motivation. You want to boost the productivity of your team, but you don’t know-how. You are stuck, wondering how you can get team members to share the same passion and enthusiasm as you. Well, if that’s the case, look no further!

Team motivation is one of the biggest concerns for leaders. According to Tribal, 67% of employees are disengaged, and inspired employees are 125% more productive.


Retaining talent within the company has become part of the business strategy, so knowing the keys to motivate employees is essential for the development of a team. But, many business owners practically spend their entire careers wondering about how they can boost employee morale and productivity. Some don’t even consider it a thing! Would you imagine that? Well, there are some simple tips and tricks that you can implement to perk up your employees!

1. The recognition. It's always nice when leaders recognize the quality of your work. Thanking work well done is an essential element for employee motivation. A top 3 reason people leave their job is they don't feel appreciated for their efforts.

2. Know how to delegate and give more responsibilities. A good leader is one who knows how to delegate. If you want to motivate a member of your team, do not hesitate to trust him with new goals.

3. Motivational speeches. Employees love it when a person with passion and energy comes into the office to guide them. Hiring a canadian keynote speaker shows that you care about them. Better yet, go for funny motivational speakers who know how to lighten the mood in the office and make the place more fun to work in!

4. Integrity. There is nothing more destructive to the morale and cohesion of a team than a leader nobody trusts. It is necessary to demonstrate integrity on every occasion and actively fight for your organization.

5. Objectives. A clear and structured direction allows staff to feel on the right path. Setting precise goals so that your employees can concentrate on achieving them will be very motivating for them, avoiding useless and dispersed efforts. With so much competing for employees' attention, strong leadership needs a distinct voice of direction.

6. Team spirit. Promoting team activities are a great source of motivation for employees. Think of activities that favor spending time together, such as a work breakfast or days for team activities.

7. Make Fridays more Fridays. Not everything that happens in the office has to be synonymous with seriousness and work. We all need to slow down a bit from time to time, and Fridays are a special day for it. A bit of ambient music, games, or a relaxed lunch together can be ideas that help relax the atmosphere.

8. Social benefits. Including social benefits in the remuneration of your team is another critical factor when it comes to increasing employee motivation. Restaurant vouchers, check transportation, or flexible schedules are a great idea to keep your employees happy.