Passionate Speaker | Inspiring Keynote Speaker

Out of the Grind and Back to Life

Written by Julie Morris | Tue, Feb 20, 2018 @ 09:07 PM

Just because you have a career doesn’t mean you can’t have a personal life, too. It’s time to take control of your day so you can enjoy each aspect of your 24 hours. Keep reading for tips and tricks to own your career before it owns you.

Wake up before the sun comes out. Getting up early has a ton of benefits, including giving you a little bit more time to get yourself prepared for the busy day ahead. According to Forbes, “morning people” are also more proactive, have a keener ability to anticipate problems, and tend to be overall better planners.

Take time out for exercise. Spend at least 30 minutes every day focusing on your physical health. This could be in the form of a quick walk around the building during lunch or a jog through the neighborhood after dinner. Exercise helps the mind and body by ensuring your cardiovascular, skeletal, and muscular systems are working and in tip top shape.

Don’t settle for fast food. It’s easy to fall into a pattern of hitting the drive-through on your way in to the office. But eating too much high-fat, high-sugar, and high-sodium drive-through fare takes a toll on the body, which will ultimately make you less productive at work and at home. According to the Waller Wellness Center, foods high in sodium – such as French fries and cheeseburgers – can cause an increase in blood pressure along with uncomfortable (and distracting) bloating.

Spend time with your family. An unfortunate reality for working parents everywhere is that business is often put before the simple pleasures of home and family. Shut down for at least two hours each afternoon to spend time with the people in your life who really matter. Turn your phone off, close the computer, and enjoy family dinner, play time with the kids, or snuggle time on the couch.

Take the dog on a date. Believe it or not, your furry family members can contribute to your overall health and wellness. Not only do pets encourage physical activity but they can also relieve stress and anxiety. Plan on a weekly outing to your local dog park with your favorite leashed liaison and make a point to allow yourself to enjoy your pet’s unconditional love every day. If you’re not sure where the nearest dog park is, check out a site like where you’ll find dog parks listed on a city-by-city basis, such as: Albuquerque, San Jose, Portland, Miami, Calgary, Madison, Knoxville, Indianapolis, Raleigh and Saint Paul. Find your city, select your favorite dog park and get time scheduled on your calendar.

Pay your bills before their due. There are few things more stressful than knowing a bill is due. Schedule your payments a week early to reduce the stress of the looming deadlines.

Clean your desk off at the end of each day. When 5 o’clock strikes, take a few extra moments to clear unnecessary clutter off of your desk. Empty coffee cups, completed to-do lists, and anything else that doesn’t contribute to your next day’s productivity should be tossed in the waste bin.

Take a real vacation. One of the most difficult things for busy professionals do is let go of their work for longer than an overnight slumber. But if you truly want to enjoy your life and avoid resenting your employment situation, you have to break away and leave the heavy lifting to someone else if only for a few days. Inc. points out that vacationing is not only good for you, but will show your team and coworkers that you have faith in their abilities and that will make your company that much stronger.

Your job is a part of you but it does not have to consume you. By prioritizing your time, health, and self, you’ll lower your chances of getting lost navigating the seas of success. And regardless of how much money you make, you can’t afford to lose yourself to your career.

This well researched article was contributed by Julie Morris.